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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • The current 2022 annual dues are $1,800.00/$150 per month.

  • The dues are payable on the first of the month or payable in advance for the year in January.

  • Dues are secured by a lien on each lot and home. If not paid, they are subject to interest, late fees, and collection fees and ultimately may be foreclosed upon by the Association. If the Association must spend its time and money to collect your assessment, it will harm the Association and eventually all other owners.

  • The dues cover common area leases and real estate taxes, payment of utilities (site lighting and electrical, storm water)  and upkeep/landscaping of the common areas (snowplowing/snow shoveling, grass cutting) insurance on the common areas, maintenance of common area amenities (Mailboxes, City of Cleveland parkland, bio retention area) rubbish removal, road maintenance, maintenance of exterior common lighting and various other items.”